Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

I woke up this morning determined to not give in to my sea sickness. Fortunately the sea was calmer. According to one of the staff, the passage through Drake’s Passage was slightly worse than normal. I got up and dressed and staggered into breakfast, where I treated myself to a sumptuous breakfast of a slice of bread. There were several lectures this morning. One was mandatory and it was on safety and observing the conventions on keeping Antartica prestine. There was a fairly interesting lecture on the different kinds of penguins. Unfortunately they pulled down the blinds so that you could see the slides. I didn’t feel too good with that.

I ate a slightly larger lunch of a fish cake and a little salad. I have vowed to lay off anything alcoholic, because it will only make me feel worse. After lunch, I spent time in the lounge and out on deck. People said they saw a hump back whale. Unfortunately I didn’t. At about three-ish, we visited Half Moon Island, where there is a colony of Chin Strap Penguins. WE also saw a few Gentoo Penguins. There were two seals on the beach. One was a Weddel Seal. The guide wasn’t sure about the other since se couldn’t get close enough to be sure. As we walked along the beach, we found a few skeletons of Penguins and one of a seal. The guide explained that they may have been here for a hundred years, because there is virtually decomposition here. Walking around the island proved exhausting to me. It must have been around forty degrees and I was wearing the recommended three layers. In addition, walking on snow that goes down to your knees if you hit a soft and then pebbles is just not that easy. I was glad to get back to the ship.

Tonight’s program calls for a cocktail party and the welcome dinner, which was not scheduled for last night because the majority of the passengers were in their cabins flat on their backs.

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