Monday, January 7, 2008

Antiartic Minus 5

Sunday, Marcy helped me pack and I made a list of items that must be packed at the last minute. Today I checked with Lindblad Expeditions on two points that I was concerned about. The cabin doors are unlocked when the passengers are not in them; consequently I was concerned about things disappearing. I was told that each room has a safe for storing credit cards, cash, etc. I don't think that my computer will fit in the safe, but apparently they have never had that problem. My second question concerned my medications. I was planning to take everything in the original bottles, but I was told that I don't have to. Consequently tonight I will set up sixteen sets of pills. I'll still have to take a bottle of the calcium pills, but that's not too bad. I also want to buy a roll of silver tape in case I have a problem with the suitcase. I may have to buy a new one before my next trip.

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