View from Hotel Room in Samarkand
Samarkand has been in existence since Paleolithic times. A body of a young male Neanderthal was found in the area. The Sogdians lived in Samarkand and Alexander the Great passed through.
We took off heading for the Bibi Hanun Mosque. It was built by the Chinese wife of Tamerlane in the 14th century. She was supposed to have been murdered by Tamerlane because he suspected that she had an affair with the architect. It was the largest mosque in Central Asia at the time and was constructed of stone and marble. It was a traditional Friday Mosque. Unfortunately, they were in a hurry to complete the project to celebrate Tamerlane’s victory in India and consequently they skimped on quality. It started falling apart and then a 19th century earthquake really did a number on it. The original Koran, which we saw in Tashkent and that Tamerlane brought back from Basra was displayed in the courtyard on special occasions.
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