The hotel is the Barcelo and is quite comfortable. There is free internet access via a wireless network.
After a rest, we met in the lobby. It was a nice bus trip to where we took a cruise of the Bosphorus. The water was surprisingly rough. I had to hold on when I got up to take a picture. I was impressed with the lovely houses along the water’s edge. The cost of these houses runs from 4 to 20 million and up. Particularly on the Asian side, some of the houses had boat houses under the houses. These under-the-house boat houses where used in the days when the used row boats. The current in the Bosphorus is quite swift – at least two to three knots.
Atta Turk Bridge which connects Europe and Asia
Mosque designed by an Armenian with the Atta Turk Bridge in the background
Famed Fort constructed in 134 Days
Second Bridge that connects Europe with Asia
Famed Fort constructed in 134 Days
Bospherous Views
Second bridge connecting Europe and Asia
Bospherous View
For dinner, we went to a Taverna in the Taverna district of Istanbul. The big thing there is fish. I had the sea bass which was good except for the bones. Apparently the place is run by Gypsies and after the meal was mostly done, Bora (tour leader) got up and started playing with them. I enjoyed it but I am exhausted.
Dinner at Taverna
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