Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Orinoco Arrival – 29 April 2010

When I woke up, the sea was calmer and I felt like I would be able to eat breakfast. I loaded my pictures on to the computer as I was unable to do it last night.

I skipped the exercise class and ate breakfast. After breakfast, I did 5 laps around the ship and then attended the lecture on “The Pros and Cons of Dietary Supplements”. There is information on the NIH and FDA web sites that is of value.

At about 11:00 AM, we went to visit the village of Curiapu. Virtually on buildings were on stilts and the sidewalk is a boardwalk, where you had to watch your step as there were holes in some of the boards and other boards were bent. I tried to walk in the center of the boards. There were a large number of children and they did appear to be going to school. Someone in the group asked and was told that there about 300 families in Curiapu.

Arriving in the Orinoco

Heading into the Orinoco

Heading to Curiapu
Landing in Curiapu
Street Scene in Curiapu
Street Scene in Curiapu
Curiapu's Hotel
Basket ball court
Main Building in Town
Main Building In Curiapu
Religous Statue
Electioneering sign seen in Venezuela
Probably bust of Simon Bolivar
Monkey as a pet
Pet Parrot
Helicopter landing. Note Satelite Dishes
View of Ship from Curiapu
Street Scene
Street Scene
Street Scene
River View
Canoes around the ship
Zodiac coming in for a landing

Lunch and a nap followed the return from Curiapu. At 4:30PM, I went out in the zodiac on the exploration. Unfortunately the zoom on my camera isn’t good enough to get many of the birds that we saw. The most unusual birds that we saw were very low flying birds that skim the top of the water.

Recap was followed by dinner and early to bed for me as I have to be in the zodiac at 6:00AM.

Afternoon Zodiac Ecursion
Indian dwellings along the river

Birds in tree

There is a toucan somewhere in the trees

Small Community of Indians along a small river off the Orinoco

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