Saturday, May 8, 2010

Breves Channel and Miritiapina - 20 April 2010

On the Amazon – Beves and Miritiapina – 20 April 2010

I woke early and took to heart the recommendation that I get out and watch what is going on on the river. We were supposed to leave Belem last night at about 6:00 PM, but owing to fueling delays, we not leave until about 9:00 PM. The result was we did not get as far west as hoped. We saw lots of children in their small boats and one man in a boat who was busy taking pictures of us! One of the naturalists gave a lecture titled “Introduction to Lowland Rainforest and Ecology”. We came on deck to see the city of Breves which is a fairly large city in this area. There were cars and motor cycles on the roads.

Buffet lunch was served on deck. The passengers were split into two groups; the Botos and the Toucans. There are not enough zodiacs and naturalists to take everyone out at once. I’m a Toucan which means that I have to be ready to go tomorrow at 6:30AM.

Breves Channel known as the Narrows
Typical Scene along the Breves Channel
River View
Village of Breves
Note ships in port - most were passenger ships for local transportation
Children coming out to see ship
Friendly children in the boats
Center of Village
Me with Breves in the background
Housing along River
Traveling along the Amazon
Typical River Scene
Off in the zodiac to see Miritiapina
Children on the river
Housing along the river
Birds' Nest
Kaypoc Tree
Children with pet Parrot
Children with pet Parrot
Rubber tree with slashes from days of the rubber boom
Bromeliads - Plants that grow on trees
Fruit of Palm Tree
Forest Scene
Edge of Swamp Area

Birds' Nests
Flowers that absorb the heat during the day. The Candle shaped part feels warm to the touch,
while the leaves feel cool

The zodiac trip was interesting, but a little disappointing. I could hear the birds, but never managed to see any. I was in the zodiac with Hugo, who was very knowledgeable about the area. He stopped to bring back a special flower. It absorbs the heat during the day and releases it at night. I could feel its warmth.

We had the Captain’s Welcome Party followed by dinner. Right now I’m glad I’m finished typing because I’m ready to collapse.

City of Breves on the Amazon



Western Side of Breves

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