Sunday, July 24, 2011

Grimsey, Iceland - 12 July 2011

The day started with a great lecture on an Icelandic Saga given by Professor Donohue (sp?). At the previous lecture he had distributed an 8 page saga for us to read and this was the subject of discussion at the lecture. I really enjoyed the lecture and look forward to buying the Penguin Book on the Icelandic Sagas. At 11:30, the other group that is on the ship provided a lecture on the geology of Iceland, which I really wanted to hear, but I kept falling asleep!

After lunch, I took the tender to the Island of Grimsey. Since I was freezing, I wore my AntArctic jacket WITH liner. Once we got to the Island of Grimsey, it wasn’t quite as cold probably because there was no real wind blowing. The first thing I did was walk to the airport because that is where the Arctic Circle marker is. I was informed that it might not be accurate as the Arctic Circle keeps moving. I asked one of the men to photograph me with the marker. When I went to the Antarctic, we ever actually were able to go south of the Antarctic Circle. I walked back along the path back to the “town” looking to take a picture of Puffins. I don’t know if I succeeded, because I could never quite get close enough. I did have a problem with the Terns dive bombing me. Apparently I was too close to their nests.

I stopped at the small gift shop and purchased 3 t-shirts; one for Muffin, one for Avi and one for Hermie. There was porch at the gift shop where I sat for a little while trying to recover from my hike. After a while, I headed the other way on the road. I walked past homes that looked quite serviceable. There was a school and we walked to the local church. It reminded me of the old New England churches.

I returned to the ship at about 5:00 PM and promptly lay down and fell asleep. I don’t know why I am so tired all the time. I got undressed in preparation for “dressing” for dinner. Then there was announcement that we would be crossing the Arctic Circle and there would be a party. They serve a lot of Champagnes on this ship. I was amused that the captain took a bottle of Champagnes and took out the cork using a machete.

After wandering around for a while, I went into dinner where I had a pleasant conversation with a retired Phd Economist and his equally intelligent wife. I then headed to the cabin where I took care of my pictures and description of the day’s activity.

Arriving at Grimsey, Iceland

Map of Grimsey

Grimsey airport

Brown Bird

View out to sea

Me at Arctic Circle in Grimsey
Me at Arctic Circle on Grimsey

View of sea from Grimsey

Birds for which Grimsey is noted

Birds flying overhead

Birds are somewhere in the rocks

Puffins on the rocks

Birds in the rocks

Puffins on the rocks

Grimsey School

Grimsey Church

Grimsey Church

Interior of Grimsey Church

Party celebrating crossing the Arctic Circle

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