Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lake Bled, Slovenia - 8 November 2009

After the buffet breakfast, we loaded into the bus and drove around Lake Bled to Bled Castle. The bus took us as close as possible, but we still had to walk up a fairly steep path to get to the castle. We were shown some short movies about the area and the castle, which were reasonably interesting. There is a museum with exhibits about the area going back to ancient times. I was amused by the “toilet” off one of the rooms. There was a chapel, a gift shop and a print shop, which used techniques developed by Gutenberg. They had paper made from cotton that was quite thick.

Bette and I had signed up for the boat ride to the island, but since not enough people signed up, it was canceled. The rain does not leave much to do. The big activities are going out on the lake and walking around the lake, which are no fun in the rain.

Bette and I went to a restaurant next door to the hotel, which fortunately accepted credit cards, and had a bowl of soup for lunch. They make the most delicious mushroom soup here in Slovenia. After lunch with nothing else to do, we went to our rooms for a nap, reading and updating.

We left for our dinner at about 7:00 PM. Unfortunately it was still raining and we had to walk a short distance to the restaurant which was established in 1822. It was on an old street with a well, which is not currently used. In the basement, they make highly decorated ginger cookies, which can be eaten for up to six months and kept as ornaments for years. I would have bought one for my little Muffin, but they were made with gelatin among other ingredients. The name of the restaurant was Lectar and it is in the town of Radovljica. It was a pity that it was dark when we got there as the street was charming.

Bled Castle from Shore in front of hotel

Church at Lake Bled from shore in front of hotel
Ducks on Lake Bled
Ducks on Lake Bled
Ducks on Lake Bled
Bled Castle from Hotel room

Church from Hotel Room

Island in Lake Bled taken from bus

Lake Bled view
Island in Lake Bled
Snow covered Alps in the distance
Lake Bled View
Walking up to Bled Castle

Must have been used for defense - shooting arrows?
View from Bled Castle
View from Castle Bled
Rowing on Lake Bled
View from Bled Castle
Me in Bled Castle
Toilet in Bled Castle (not in use)

View of Island from toilet in castle

Me and Bette outside gift shop

Steve, our guide, and Bette walking down steps in Bled Castle

Me in front of well in Bled Castle
Sign in front of Bled Castle
Flags in front of Bled Castle

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