Today was the hike through Flower Valley. I managed to walk down to the place where we met with the people coming via van. We met at the local cemetery. The traditional Inuit method of burial was to throw the body into the sea, because to the Inuit the sea was heaven. The sea provided most of their sustenance. Since converting to Christianity, they are now buried. The problem is that the ground is frozen most of the year. The way they handle that problem here is that they lay the body on the ground and cover it with dirt and rocks when they can’t dig a grave.
The Flower Valley has these very small flowers which if you don’t know to look for them, you won’t see them. I found the walk strenuous because parts of the path were very narrow and one side was steep, which with my fear of heights made me very nervous. I was pleased that I got as far as the waterfall before turning around to go back. I met the trip leader at the cemetery where we were told that they had called for the van to take us back to the hotel. Walking these roads is rough. Driving them is worse. They must be somewhere between thirty and forty five degree slopes!
After lunch, I walked down to the tourist center because I wanted to buy something from Greenland for my dividends. I found a sort of doll for Muffin and a little bear for Avi. We walked back to the hotel taking our good old fashioned time. After arriving, I headed to my room for a nap. I then planned to head to the sitting room to read, but a group was sitting near the bar socializing, so I joined them. I am impressed with the intellectual caliber of the people in the group.
Tomorrow we head for Kulusuk by boat. It should be interesting.
Flower Valley
Flower Valley Waterfall
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