19 March 2008
We had to get luggage out by a relatively civilized 7:00 AM to leave the Movenpick Hotel at about 8:00 AM. Since I fell asleep last night at about 9:00 PM, I had no trouble getting up at 6:00 AM without a call. I get my suitcase out a bit early, but that is all right. My next stop was to settle my account which consisted of 7 Jordanian Dinars for an hour of internet use. Things were a bit chaotic in the dining room this morning, but I was able to eat and get my two cups of coffee.
We loaded onto the bus and took off. We were riding on what is called the Desert Highway. The other road which is called the King’s Highway would have taken longer. It was desert scenery with hills in the distance. We had a rest stop where I picked up the T shirts for family and that finishes my “required” shopping.
Our next stop was in Madaba, which in Aramaic means city or spring of fruit. We went to the Church of St George which has a mosaic which was mainly destroyed in the process of building the church. The mosaic is or was a map of the Holy Land at about 300 CE. While it is not accurate, it is interesting. After a short time looking at the map, we headed to the Haret Jdoudna Restaurant. It was typical Jordanian food and was very good. They had the salads followed by a meat dish. By the time, they brought the meat dishes, I was so full from the salads that I really couldn’t eat anything else.
We loaded up into the bus and started. At the corner, the bus couldn't turn. There was a pick-up truck parked at the corner; consequently either the bus driver or guide got into the truck and moved it so that the bus could turn!
We also stopped at a mosaic factory where they make mosaics and furniture. Some of their pieces were very beautiful. I was looking for a mosaic tray, but they didn’t have it.
We passed Mount Nebo, but couldn't stop because the church at that site is under repair. I guess this is my one disappointment on this trip.
Out last stop for the day is the Jordan Valley Marriott, where I intend to take advantage of the spa facilities.
After my luggage was delivered to my room, I changed into my bathing suit and cover-up and headed for the pool area. I lounged for a while and then I headed down to the Dead Sea. There were two young men skimming rocks, which reminded me of Poquot. It turns out they were students at MIT. I got into the water and rested for a while as the sun went down. I walked back to my room. It was about the equivalent of five or six flights of stairs. My skin felt like it was drawing from the salt. As soon as I got back to my room, I showered and through on some clothes to go get something light for dinner. Bill, the tour leader, suggested the bar. I met Warren and his wife and while I ate a salad, we had a very interesting discussion. After finishing, I headed back to my room to update my blog and check my e-mail
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