Saturday, October 8, 2016

Last Day in Botswana - 30 July 2016

30 July 2016

I responded to my 5 am wake-up call and joined the safari ride.  The big excitement of the drive was seeing lion’s with their kill.  Unfortunately again it was quite cold and I didn’t bring any warm clothes.  The blanket provided did help. 

 Early morning ride


 Baby Elephant

Elephant affirming the road is his

White Back Vulture


Hooded Vulture

Giraffe Eating



Lioness after a kill

Male Lion resting after eating



Lioness sleeping after the hunt

Lioness looking up


I got back and joined Eric for breakfast and then came back to my room for my morning nap and did some updating.  I will have to decide what I want to do this afternoon.  Of course, in part it depends on what is available.

My room at lodge
View from my sitting room

I wound up sleeping for a while and then after lunch I went on the afternoon ride.  There was only one woman on the ride with me.  I wound up having dinner with her and two sisters from England.  I really enjoyed the meal.

 Afternoon run - Lioness still eating buffalo

Lioness still eating

Lioness with earlier kill

Lioness with earlier kill

Impala aware of a Lioness hunting

Impala taking off away from Lioness

Lioness on the hunt

Lioness on the hunt

Lioness walking away

Lioness heading away

 Elephant Posing


Chobe River view

Sable Antelope - Note Horns curve back

Antelopes taking off

Lioness resting

Lioness on the move



Female Kudu

Female Kudu with birds eating parasites

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