The phone rang at 3:30am. While I had no desire to get up, I did. I threw my nightgown into the suitcase and zipped it up. I brushed my teeth and threw on my clothes. Bette and I went down stairs and turned in our room key. They had coffee waiting for us. I drank two cups and our driver arrived to take us to the airport. I was concerned about the fact that my bag was probably overweight, but Lufthansa did not say anything and so neither did I. We had plenty of time before we had to board our plane. I took the opportunity to buy a bottle of Polinka which is the Romanian equivalent of Slivovitch. I stuffed it into my back pack, which was heavy to start with and consequently became heavier. We boarded the plane and I think I may have slept some. We landed in Munich, Germany. Again we had a lot of time; consequently Bette wanted to wander the shops. I find it a bit difficult owing to the weight of my back pack. I saw a little lion wearing leader hosen which I wanted to buy for my little Avi, but I was concerned about where to put it. I finally decided to buy it anyway and stuffed it into my purse.
We finally headed for the gate (H18) and shortly thereafter boarded the plane which was an airbus, which is smaller than the plane we arrived in. The result was that Bette got her window seat and I got my aisle seat next to each other although my seat number was 33C and hers was 33A. I got my kosher meals which were supplied by a catering company from Frankfurt Am Main, which is where my grandfather had emigrated from. I managed to sleep some during the flight. The flight was supposed to be about nine hours, but apparently the winds were favorable and we made it in slightly less time.
I was shocked at the absolute chaos at JFK. As a U.S. citizen, I went on the shorter line, but I don’t remember seeing such chaos in any of my previous landings at JFK. I was surprised that there was no issue about checking my luggage, although I know that the luggage could have and probably was checked before I picked it up. I was disappointed that Herman did not pick me up, but I had no trouble getting a cab.
I unpacked, but was too tired to do much more.